What makes you unique

  So there's been something lately that's been kinda bothering me. I've been thinking about it. And so I've been working like 10 to 14 hours a day for the past, geez, few years. Even when I was back in high school starting in like grade nine, grade eight I was working like eight,10, 12, 14 hours a day. And I'm worried now 'cause my eating habits have not been very good lately. I haven't gone to the gym in like three months. I haven't had time to practice my break dancing. And I feel like any time that I'm not working is a waste of time. It's like it's not being productive and I'm worried that at the end of my life I'm gonna look back andI'm gonna be disappointed because I didn't spend that time to do what I love, to spend time with my friends and my family, relax and enjoy life, instead of just working so hard. - You're 19 though, right? - 18. - 18. So the first five years of my life I sacrificed. 

Those first five years I was working, just like you, 12, 14 hours a day. I didn't take a single day off. There wasn't an oh, yeah let me take a couple weeks off and do a few things. All my friends at the same time, where they were partying, they were drinking, they were chasing girls. There was to do what typical guys do, college guys, right? I didn't have any of that. I want you to think because I didn't have that that I paid the price early and I was working on myself and my skills. So although we started off like this, after five years it's like this. After 10 years I'm like this. And after like 15 years they're still like this and yet I'm here already. I've attained a place of freedom, a place where they could never attain. Now looking back, who's gonna regret that they wish they had paid the price early? Or I wish oh man, I wish I could buy back that time? I did. I bought it back at that time. Yes, I made some sacrifices in the morning but now I have all the time in the world. I'm still young. But yet now they just start. Now after they finish school they go to get a job if they find a job. Now they just start on their journey, right? But yet I've already gone through this and this and this and this. Your work, it's being tested, being viewed, by millions of people. That insight only you have. No one, no one would have. The same thing with you, no one would have. This feedback that you get, no one would have that insight except you. The feedback I got from speaking to live when I'm closing, back then, go into, go in front of a cold audience, 90 minutes I need to make a sale, no one would have that insight. 

Unless you've done it you don't know what that it's like. I can't teach you. You can't, no, and then you've done it. Now nowadays people wanna learn that. That's why there's this gap. No one knows how to do that anymore. It's a lost art. No one would do it. No one would be able to do that, this whole gap. Because back then you have seminars that are more active. You have the opportunity. Now seminars not as active. Organizers, if I'm an organizer, would you wanna put an unproven speaker on your stage? No fucking no. You only pick a proven speaker. So you will not give anyone who is not a proven speaker any stage time. So, anyone who learns to learn this, you won't, no one, you will not get a chance to learn because you will not get a chance to practice. But I did because Allen gave me the opportunity. He said you know, you try it. You fail it, it's okay, you try it. So I had the mentor who gave me the opportunity so to kind of get my feet wet. And I kept at it long enough to figure stuff out. So this experience, no one. I cannot teach it to you. I cannot teach it to you, because I've gone through this. Same thing with you. All the insights that you have, the psychology, the marketing, the incorporating, no one, no one could duplicate because you're the one that'in the trenches day today. I know what's going on. I know what's working, hey. We have very very deep insights on how to market a certain way. That you don't get it from a book. 

You don't get it from a course. You definitely don't get it from a video. And it's not even transferable. You will have a slightly different skill set, different skill sets. You cannot buy that. How can you buy that experience? You cannot download that shit. That is what makes you different. That's what gives you an edge in life, that factor. That little x-factor, that is it. That x-factor, your deep understanding of few distinctions, that gives you the edge in business, period. The difference is I have hundreds of these little distinctions. That's it. And hey you know dude, let's change it this way a little bit. Makes all the difference right? Like that doesn't work, let's change it this way. Oh, how it works. That little deep understanding, that is it, period. How you gonna get there if you don't do it? So my thing is I wanna figure this shit out asap. I wanna figure these distinctions asap by doing, by doing, by doing, by doing. And that's what I told Shen. I went in fucking 100%. I went 100% 'cause I wanna get to unconscious competence. I wanna be able to do this shit in my sleep. Right, once you're good then you're, 'cause once you're good then you're good right? Then only you can work on the next skill. 

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