Living a purposeful life

  You're born, you live, you die And that life defines your eternity heaven in hell follow in a straight line from what you've made of this life and that's it You waste your life if you don't bring it into sync with God's purposes for you for your life And one of the first questions that theologians have been asking since the beginning is this question Why did God create? Human beings man and woman. Why did God create? Men and women didn't need to create us if he needed to do anything. He wouldn't be God So God doesn't need anything so he could have gone throughout eternity Before time existed he could have been fine. Happy. God blessed God So the question is why did he create man and woman? Why am I here? What's my real purpose? Is it just to have a job raise a family goes on vacation have children have grandchildren make a living get an education What is the reason for our existence? God made you for his glory That is he made you put him on display By the way you live the way you think the way you feel 1st Corinthians 10:31 Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do all of it for the glory of God It's all over the Bible you're on the planet by God's design in order to make him look Magnificent you're not your own You were made And you were redeemed bought For his glory to make him look great That's why we're here if you don't bring your life Into sync with that you waste it you throw it away and in the end, you lose it So the Bible tells us in both old and new Testament man, and I mean men humans were created To glorify God and enjoy him forever Your existing today to glorify God that's your initial primary purpose for all of us 

We're not here to make a living got to pay the bills. All those things are Subsidiary to the main purpose which many of us because it's so simple we miss it We are on earth right now to glorify God When you and I are glorifying God in whatever way God helps us to do it We are now fulfilling the purpose of our existence Every morning we wake up. Our main goal should be Understanding the purposes of God for our life. How can I glorify God? Let me tell you how Paul put it at the end of the tenth chapter of 1st Corinthians He says this whether you eat or whether you drink in whatever you do do it for the glory of God So when we have a meal we can glorify God. God thank you for this food See how if so few of us think of it. We just take life as a series of just Inconsequential actions and we're not realizing I was created I'm happiest God is glorified and it's best for me Because I was made to do this to glorify God Whatever we do. You're doing it for the glory of God. That's where not only is God praise, but now all of his fulfilling Power and grace and blessing begin to flow in us Why where we're moving in the purpose for our existence? So sad to see people in the world trying to be happy without God and even people who come to church on Sunday Trying to be happy Outside of glorifying God it is impossible. It is impossible God has made us humans. So that the more you try to be happy the less happy you are the more you make happiness your goal the more it escapes you and when you don't try to be happy and just Glorify God happiness is chasing you all over the place You have a joy you have a zest in living. Why because you want to know because you're glorifying God So many people are aiming at the pleasure principle, but none of those things money vacations Educational achievement a great career even children and a family None of them can bring the joy and the fulfillment that glorifying God with our lives does But now the question comes obviously How do you glorify God? As we look at the scripture, I want to take you to the deepest thing of all There's nothing deeper than what I'm going to read to you Nothing in the Bible. Nothing nothing nothing You can't go deeper than this. There is no further depth found in scripture and We read it this way you're familiar with it. 

But I would like to scan it from the NIV. I'm verity vascular plant And my Father is that the gardener He cuts off each branch in Maine. That bears no fruit whereas each branch that will bear fruit he prunes so it's going to be even a lot of fruitful therefore notice there no fruit dispose you to bear fruit. He prunes you, therefore, you'll bear even a lot of fruit you're already clean or cropped owing to the word. I actually have spoken to your stay in Maine and that I can stay in you currently that word stay in Maine and that I can stay in you. that is a really Deep word the King James has it abide in Maine and that I can abide in you Some have to keep connected to Maine. stick with Maine Be shut and with Maine being union with Maine and that I am going to be in union with you No branch will bear fruit by itself. It should stay within the vascular plant Neither are you able to bear fruit unless you stay in Maine. I'm the vascular plant. ar|you're} the branches for with the exception of Maine you'll do nothing If anyone doesn't stay in Maine he is sort of a branch that's thrown away and withers such branches are picked up thrown into the fireplace and burned this can be to my father's glory that you simply bear abundant fruit Showing yourself to be my disciples and also the fruit-bearing isn't on Sunday. The fruit-bearing is 24/7 365 As you bear fruit, my father is authorized What quite fruit once ar} kind And bear that fruit of kindness and love and mercy once you love folks that are completely different than you once you're patient with folks that try your nerves My father is authorized once you unfold the nice news of Deliverer boldly, that is sensible fruit. My father is authorized once you bear fruit of souls obtaining saved once you're crammed with Patience Associate in Nursingd you are crammed with kindness and you are forgiving and dropping grudges 

My father is authorized once you bear sensible fruit like that is, however, my father is authorized and also the fruit the flower Is made not by something it will it cannot do a factor however by remaining within the vascular plant the sap the lifetime of the plant Flows up and it's an apple a fig a grape {and that's|and that's} what the Nazarene says to the U.S.A. simply abide within the vascular plant keep connected to the lifetime of the spirit That I place in you that is within the entire vascular plant of that I'm and you simply branch Its sole life is within the vascular plant this can be what Lucifer perpetually making an attempt to try and do with the U.S.A. draw U.S.A. removed from enduring in Christ Stopping U.S.A. from being connected to Christ Trusting Christ leaning on Christ staying connected and enduring in Christ as a result of you cannot believe what I will kill your life and thru you, if you simply abide in Maine you do not ought to struggle. you ought not to worry. you do not ought to fret you do not ought to build guarantees you bought to abide the sole life I actually have the sole hope I actually have is in Deliverer Associate in Nursingd he's the life that is within the vascular plant he's the vascular plant and I am simply a branch that may take his life so while not troubled turn out every kind of fruit Notice if we tend to bear fruit like hopefully all {of U.S.A.|folks|people} square measure he aforesaid that his father is that the Gardener and he comes and prunes us so we are able to have a lot of fruit currently pruning is cutting it isn't pleasant however I bet if we might all speak in private. we tend to all apprehend what it's to be cropped by the daddy, do not we tend to? typically he circumstances in life to prune us so we might bear a lot of fruit therefore vital to be within the word on a daily basis, so that word will speak to the U.S.A. and prune the U.S.A. Buckeye State God, I would like involved fruit and that I apprehend I will solely do this by enduring in you. therefore prune Maine where you see I would like pruning God, facilitate Maine to measure like that. I would like to abide in you

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