Staying positive during this COVID - 19 Pandemic

Coronavirus can kindle all types of feelings, like fear, anxiety, or stress. touch of stress is helpful. It will be the motivator that keeps us self-isolating or washing our hands. But constant or high levels of stress can negatively affect our mental and physical health. Taking care of our minds is often important, but doing so within the middle of a pandemic is really tricky. 

Here are some tips and techniques to assist us all to get through this 

Start your day well. 

It is often tempting to succeed in for your phone or put on the news very first thing within the morning but starting the day with a straightforward mindfulness exercise, like ‘Notice 3 things’, can facilitate your sign in with how you’re feeling and connect together with your environment. 

Mindfulness is well-known to form people to feel calmer and cope better with stress. This quick exercise takes less than a moment. Before you get out of bed: pause and think about 3 stuff you can see. for instance, your patterned curtains, the blue air, or maybe just a lightbulb. Then listen for 3 stuff you can hear. The sound of cars passing by, a singing bird, or the hum of your boiler. and eventually, notice 3 belongings you can feel in touch along with your body. Your PJs, bedsheets, or maybe your pet.

Do things that you love

Although it’s tempting to remain curled in bed - adapting and creating positive new routines will be helpful and keep you motivated. As an example, within the place of what was your morning commute or a school-run: hear a podcast or opt for a walk. Incorporating some kind of exercise outdoors if possible, into on a daily basis is sweet for mental and physical wellbeing. And put aside time to talk to friends, family, or work colleagues each day. Connecting with others releases feel-good hormones that help to alleviate stress. 

Set aside the negativity

Stay informed, not overloaded. Although we are able to deal with some stress here and there, being constantly exposed to a rolling fear-inducing news-feed can impact your psychological state. Hearing upsetting or anxiety-provoking news triggers a stress-response in our bodies. Keeping informed is vital, but managing your social media and data intake will make a giant difference in how you're feeling.

Try and limit the time you spend taking note of, watching, or reading things about the outbreak. If feelings of hysteria grow in your day, try a breathing technique, like box breathing. Concentrating on and controlling your breathing could be a scientifically-backed way of creating you're feeling calm. Box breathing is quick, easy, and maybe done anywhere. Inspire deeply, through your nose, for a count of 4. Hold your breath for 4 respire completely, through your mouth, for a count of 4, and hold your empty breath for 4. Then repeat 4 times preparing for bed. 

Getting enough quality sleep 

Good quality sleep makes a giant difference in how you are feeling. But feeling worried or anxious can make reaching to sleep difficult. you'll set a coronavirus news curfew, so you don’t watch or read anything to try and do with the outbreak after 7pm and aim for a daily bedtime. You may also find it helpful to avoid caffeine before bed, not to eat or drink an excessive amount of foodstuff within the evening. Have a warm bath and keep screens out of your bedroom. 

If about to sleep is proving tricky, you'll be able to try ‘the body scan’. this straightforward exercise helps you to relax both your mind and body and with practice - you may find that it even sends you off to sleep. Whilst you’re lying in bed or resting, take your attention to your feet. Relax and soften them into the bed the maximum amount as possible. Then scan up your body, moving to your ankles. Release any tension and soften them into the bed. Once they feel relaxed, move up further to your calves, then knees, thighs than on. Keep moving slowly up your body, all the thanks to your head, softening and relaxing every muscle along the way.


To end up with, getting a sense of being positive in hard times can encourage you to train your mind to stay positive so that you don't lean towards the negativity again. I hope these simple daily tips would help you to co-op with the positivity throughout your day. Take care.

So which of these tips you will follow to get your mind moving towards a positive way? 

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