Don't limit yourself

 How many times have you found yourself in a situation that you start thinking that now I would not be able to continue further? I am sure that many of you have come across this thought and you will be surprised to know that the same thought was going through my mind while writing this article. Here's a question to be asked to yourself, am I going to acknowledge this thought process or continue doing the stuff with more energy and zeal? The moment you ask this question to yourself, the answer to the same would be flashing in your mind. Believe me, many of the people who are now sitting on the top of the world would have also come across the same thought process that now its done, let's pack up. But the moment they had this thought in their mind, they started rewinding the things from where it all started. They raised questions to themselves that why I started doing these chores? What was the motive behind that? Am I able to live up to my expectations? The answer should be a big "NO". If life happens to be a cakewalk, then no would have worked their skin out so as to inspire the whole world. This "never giving up" attitude sets apart the people who are ready to walk on that difficult path towards success. life is itself a challenge every day so we should be mentally prepared for every single challenge that life throws to us. To test your limits, you have to acknowledge them first to know what things are restraining you from performing your job. Once you know about your boundaries in which you are tangled, you will put in every possible effort to get free from that restraining boundaries. Once boundaries are pushed away, you will feel a sense of accomplishment that yes now there is just objective to my life that is to make yourself comfortable living without any of the restrictions. 

Limiting yourself is not the solution in any of the situations you face. There may be times that the things would be going another way round. This is a simple test by life in which many of us are not able to pass. To reason out this, the same thought that it would not be extended further is the culprit. Why are we giving so much value to this useless thought? To make things happen, someday or any other day in the near future, we will come across the same situation so how you are going to co-op this time? The answer is " STOP LETTING YOUR MIND REMINDING YOU ABOUT YOUR LIMITS". So what if you had to come out of your comfort zone once to accomplish your goals? Remember, the opportunities now will not be there in the future, so why to put yourself down rather than just striving for the in-hand opportunity? You may regret afterwards in your life for not making it to the finish line. 

As human beings, yes it is normal to experience such thoughts but we should not stick to these thoughts that will hamper our daily chores. Set aside time for yourself, let's say, take 30 minutes out of your schedule and just think that how often do I come up with these restraining thoughts? Why am I limiting my self to perform a certain task? What's that one thing that is missing in my mind? It's a healthy and good practice to know deeper insights about your thought process. Test yourself once whenever you face any kind of challenging situation and make a note of what came through your mind at that point. 

Now as we are coming to the end of this article, you are very much aware of the things to do when you are restraining yourself from performing a particular task. Go ahead and beat your comfort zone and test your limitations so as to move up to the ladder of triumph. I will be glad to be on the receiving end while you share your thoughts with me as well. See you with a new article with some more motivational stuff. 

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