10 Ways to manage your mental health

Do you feel as if nobody truly understands you? Do you feel empty, hopeless, and all worthless? Does your anxiety stop you from doing things you want to do in your life? Are you depressed and don't know who to turn to for help or guidance? Are you currently struggling with your mental health? 

You never have to feel alone again. We understand your situation and feel exactly like you do. Share your story, connect with like-minded people, learn more about mental illnesses, and how you can improve your mental health together.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health is. Just like we train our physical health in the gym, we can also train our mental health too. 

Here are 10 ways that will assist you to improve your mental health: 

1. Schedule some me-time 

Every single day, set aside 20 to 30 minutes of your time. Turn off all of your electronic devices such as your phone, computer, and television. Dedicate this time for you without any distractions at all. 

During this time you could go for a nice gentle walk, write in your diary, or sit on your sofa without doing anything at all. It does not matter you do, all that matters is this time is for you and this time is "you time" to deal with your problems in a structured way.

2. Managing stress

Whenever you encounter a problem, instead of letting it stress you out take over your life and affect you, write the problem down on a piece of paper and break the problem you have down into smaller steps for example If your rent is due, write down how much your rent is and how much you owe on the piece of paper and what date you have to pay it by? 

Next, write down how much money you currently have in your bank account. This will help you see how much money you have left, how much money you can spend, and what money you can't spend for the rest of the month until your rent is due.

If you don't have enough money to pay your rent, write down ways you can earn some extra money.

3. Challenge your bad thoughts 

Whenever a negative thought pops into your mind such as nobody likes me, stop for a minute and question your negative thought. Think to yourself "Is this actually true or is it just my mental illness"? 

Questioning your negative thoughts can help you with your mental health and help you understand the difference between your own thoughts and the thoughts your mental illness is putting inside your mind

4. Practice and learn relaxation techniques 

There are many different relaxation techniques out there such as yoga, meditating, and, mindfulness activities. Practicing relaxation techniques can help you in times when you're extremely stressed or anxious and bring you back to the present.

5. Reach out for support 

It's okay not to be okay. Everybody at some point during their lives needs help. There is no shame at all in seeking help. You can reach out for support by talking to your family or friends. If you don't feel comfortable talking to them face-to-face. You can call them, text them, email them, or even write them a letter. 

You can look for online Communities where you can speak to like-minded people going through something similar to yourself. You can also seek professional help by talking to a mental health therapist or counselor. 

6. Removing negative people from your life 

It may be difficult for you to remove certain negative people from your life, especially if those negative people are your family members? However, you could set boundaries with your family members. If they are negative people, you can do this by limiting time with them or not telling them certain things, you know, they will be negative about or criticize you for.

 Removing negative people from your life can seriously help and improve your mental health.

7. Be nice to yourself 

You are Amazing and you matter. Instead of being critical of yourself or saying something negative about yourself, say something positive. It may take you a while to do this but please do not be discouraged or upset with yourself as this does.

Start by writing one thing a day you like about yourself. That is a very good start on being nice to yourself.

8. Watch your caffeine intake 

It's okay to have some coffee during the day but drinking too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations which could cause you to have a panic or an anxiety attack. Know your caffeine limits and do not drink caffeine after 6:00 p.m. 

9. Get enough sleep 

Each night get yourself into a daily and nightly routine where you go to bed and you wake up at exactly the same time each day and adults need between seven and nine hours worth of sleep in order to function properly.

Sleeping too much or too little can negatively affect your mental health

10. Exercise regularly 

Experts recommend exercising at least three times a week. Exercising regularly has been shown and proven to improve your mental health. Three times a week simply going for a walk can improve your mental health 


Those are 10 very easy and simple ways you can improve your mental health and you can do those 10 things immediately and you can implement them into your life straight away. I now want to hear from you guys and girls at home that are you going to try any of these 10 things? Or do you already do any of the 10 things? Let me and others know in the comment section down below if you've found it useful and helpful. Take care guys and girls and I'll see you all again with another write-up. 

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