How to Increase Productivity in the work place

How to increase productivity when you are working? many of us want to achieve high standards of productivity while we are working outside or be it at home but how does one make sure if they are actually on the right track of increasing productivity?

To get deeper insights on how to increase productivity when you are performing a particular task, I have some tips and tricks listed down below that are going to assist you in finding the best source for yourself to increase productivity.

So recently I made some simple changes to my daily routine which allowed me to get significantly more productive as before. I was able to do this by implementing five simple proven tricks for getting more productive.

First Trick

Our first trick is all about finding an exclusive location for your work. The thing is when you're in a location where you've done so many other things your brain will associate this location with all those things. 

It will have unconsciously built several habits tied to this place so whenever you're there you're going to be constantly reminded to start those habits most of which are things that are much more enjoyable and pleasurable than your work. 

Because of this, it becomes extremely easy to get distracted as your brain is constantly telling you hey let's do this fun thing instead which is why it's extremely powerful have a completely new location exclusive to your work and ideally, you want to select a location where you haven't made any other pre-existing connections.  it's also very important to note that you want to select a location that's easy to get to so that you will have fewer excuses

Second Trick

The second trick I used to increase productivity which is don't give yourself time to think. I would often have thoughts like this when I woke up oh wow I need to start working on those two new scripts today and I need to revise and finalize that other one. I need to send out those emails and I got three coaching calls as well. Oh my god, that's so much work. 

I think I'll just watch some youtube first and whenever this happens I would end up playing around on my phone for hours before finally getting out of bed and overall I would get very little time to get my things done for the day and you can prevent this from happening by giving yourself less time to think. 

Nowadays the only thing that's on my mind when I wake up is okay! its time to get dressed and get started with my work for today and the reason I do this is that procrastination is an emotional problem and negative emotions occur when we think right. 

The more you think about how much you have to do, the worse you start to feel which means that you're less likely to actually go and do it. Because when you think, you let your anxiety build up. 

You think to yourself oh my god what am I going to do if I would not able to able to complete my tasks for today, all of these hypothetical scenarios run in your head and cause you to feel as if you have failed even though you haven't even started.

That's why we procrastinate and you can prevent this from happening by taking quick action like I mentioned before. 

All I think about when I wake up is okay I need to get dressed and get going that's it and by doing this I can trick myself to take quick action so that I'll go to my exclusive location so that my habit of working there can kick in

Third Trick

The third tip is to remove distractions before they can come up. When I decided to go to my workplace, the first time I chose not to get the wi-fi password. My phone still has no internet access. Here I literally can't do anything on my phone. 

The thing is even if you use my advice from trick number one and you go to a new location there are still things that you might bring with you that are associated with past distractions and personally for me, it's when I have my computer and when I have wi-fi because this setup is what I usually use to play video games and to browse the internet

When I remove the wi-fi, the urge to mess around online disappears as one of the requirements to stay focused. Which is why whenever I am about to start with my work, I only bring four things, I bring my keys so I can go home, I bring my journal which serves as a reminder for all the things I need to get done, I bring my laptop for the work itself and I bring my phone for calls. 

Now you might be thinking wait wait wait you just said you turn off the wi-fi so you don't get distracted then doesn't bring in your phone to defeat that purpose hang tight I'll get into why I do this in a second. 

Fourth Trick

Fourth trick is to allow yourself to win easily. See often times when we tell ourselves that we need to get a lot done. We will set this bar way too high. You need to lower your standards for your definition of success for the day. For example, I never tell myself okay I need to draft and finalize an article on the same day. 

In fact, as I'm writing this article right now, I'm just quickly letting all of my ideas out. I'm not double checking my grammar, I'm not worrying about spelling errors and I'm not even checking to see if everything makes sense, all I do is to get all of my ideas on paper that's my only requirement today that's all I have to do.

See the thing you have to understand about productivity is that it's mostly a mental battle. If you believe something is too hard, if you believe that you're not mentally strong enough to easily complete a task then you will naturally come up with excuses to avoid even trying which is why you got to allow yourself to win easier.

Lower your bar for success because then you can hit it more often which will make you believe that you are someone who can successfully get things done and because of this it will make the entire process more enjoyable.

Fifth Trick

My final trick for increasing productivity is to reward yourself. Often one of the most important things that you have to understand is that every good behavior that you want to reinforce needs to be reinforced with some type of reward. It's like when you train a dog you got to give him a treat after he does a trick. 

If you do not reward yourself your brain will have no incentive to remember this behavior and it will never become a habit. 

Now it's best to reward yourself with things that you naturally like but you should also make sure that there are things that you aren't addicted to for example every time I complete a major task, I'll open up my phone and play a mobile game for like five to ten minutes or sometimes I'll use social media 

I might respond to some messages, look at some memes on Instagram, etc. This is why I bring my phone with me to my workplace. When I work yes it's important to try and remove as many distractions as possible. 

But I still need some way to reward myself. Turning the wi-fi on for my computer is too distracting as I'm constantly using it while I type but I can simply turn off my phone or hide it under my journal while I work which puts it out of my site and when it's time for me to reward myself I'll turn it back on.

Now you want to make sure that your rewards are short and sweet so that it's enjoyable but don't take up too much of your time. That way you can go back to work and complete your next task. 

By doing this you will actually find yourself looking forward to going to work because there are little bits of pleasure and joy sprinkled throughout the process.  


Being able to increase productivity in your workplace or even while working at home can be very beneficial for you in the long run. You would no longer have to be dependent on someone to get your work done, thus also helping you to save time as well. 

These are the five simple tricks that I use to increase my productivity. Try them out and let me know if they work. 

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