Ways To Be Kind To Yourself

Ways To Be Kind To Yourself

 How can you be kind to yourself? If I ask you that when was the last time you made yourself happy? What things you did to refresh your mind from those unusual thoughts? Well, many of you would not even remember to see yourself smiling with joy, isn't it?

Question yourself this as well that "Are you being kind to yourself as you do to others? 

Now, what does it mean that a person should be kind to himself or herself? Alright then, we will be discussing some wonderful and proven ways that will surely be helpful for you to comfort yourself as well.

1. Accept your uniqueness

Everybody in this world has some unique ways that how they go about their life, how they see other things, and how they think. If everybody would be of the same ideology, then we could not have expected the rapid changes that take place in this world daily.

So what if your opinion doesn't match with your fellow mates? It is perfectly fine to be different and unique in your own way. Accepting that yes, I am a unique personality and no one can take my place is the first step to being kind to yourself.

2. Appreciating your efforts

Not everyone gets the appreciation when people are putting their great deal of efforts towards their work. They start to expect to get appreciation from the outer world, but when not given, we tend to demotivate ourselves right?

If I ask you " Why are we even expecting the appreciation from the outer world when we ourselves are very much capable to do it on our own? Yes, it's a healthy practice to appraise your efforts that will lighten up your mood as well and you will be motivated to work with more zeal.

3. Staying Positive

The best practice to set aside the negativity is to stay positive in any situation that may turn up to you. Having a positive mindset is equally good as to have a growth mindset.

Make it your habit that you will be looking at each and every situation from a positive perspective and try to extract the maximum amount of positivity for yourself.

4. Prioritizing your well being first

Yeah, I agree that most of the time we tend to be kind with others but we forget how crucial is it for us to be kind to ourselves first. We are putting our efforts to please others and may not get the same thing in return from others.

The simple way to keep yourself first on the list of kindness is to take care of your health, your eating patterns, your daily routine, etc. Believe me, The day you will begin to show such concern towards yourself first, you will be utterly overwhelmed with joy.

5. Manage Stress

We all know that stress can be an inevitable factor in our life that messes up all the things. It can lead to a lack of focus, overthinking, and does no good to ourselves.

Managing stress is the only solution to it. Avoid all those factors that are always been a burden on you and try to lighten up your mood by watching some stand-up comedy, diverting your mind to a productive task, etc.

6. Get the Right Nutrition

Another to show kindness towards yourself is to have a proper diet. Set yourself a diet chart where you will be following a set routine for what to have and when to have. 

Taking a proper diet ensures that your body will stay healthy inside and you will become a much-improved version of yourself.


To conclude, being kind to yourself can be pretty easy if you will obey the above-listed tips that are definitely be yielding results in the long run. Looking forward to hearing from you as well that what act of kindness you did today to yourself.

9 ways how to Become a Better Person

9 ways how to Become a Better Person

 How to become a better person? How can I make myself better every day? We all might have come across these thoughts on ways we can adopt to see ourselves as a much more improved version than before. 

One might think that is it really possible that a person can make himself or herself the best in their eyes? Well, yes you can reach your "ideal self" if you follow the below-listed tips to become a better person.

1. Compliment yourself

The first tip that I have for you is to make sure you are complimenting yourself daily. Believe me, this a wonderful practice to kick start your day with a positive mindset.

Compliment yourself over anything that you would lie to, be it your performance in a test when you got appreciated by someone, etc.

2. Getting the right nutrition

You might be wondering that how can choosing the right nutrition for you can help you to become better as a person? Well, what we consume on a daily basis has a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves. 

Have a proper and balanced diet and see yourself every day getting better and better.

3. Setting the objectives for yourself

Set yourself goals that you want to achieve. Prepare a to-do list including your daily chores, your studies, leisure time, physical activities, etc.

This will also help you to give a purpose to your day when you wake up daily and you will be eyeing yourself with better self-esteem.


4. Being kind to everyone

One of the best traits of a good person is that they are kind to everyone around them. They try to help others when needed, supporting others as well.

5. Forgiving others

Have you ever held on to a grudge against someone in your mind because they did something bad to you? How does it feel going through such a thought process? It seems frustrating, right?

Holding on a grudge against someone can adversely affect your mood a number of times in a day, so it's better for you to forgive others and keep your mind at peace.

6. Setting aside negativity

Whenever you face a situation when your mind keeps on bombarding negativity into it, just try to stop there only and divert your mind by doing something that you like to do.

It is actually difficult to remain positive in any of the situations but with practice, it becomes a habit to keep your self away from negative thoughts.

7 Exercising

Exercising is one of those tips I personally use. Dedicate some time of yours working out and you will instantly feel good. 

8 Getting enough sleep

Your sleeping pattern may also determine how you see yourself daily. So getting enough sleep is one of those things if you are willing to improve yourself as a person.

Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep and see the changes coming your way.

9 Let go anger

Anger is your enemy first before it turns out to be for others. Being angry can also adversely affect your mood and behavior and for others as well.  It will only lead to more stress and further complicates things.

So to manage your anger, set aside those things that make you breathe fire or try to just calm down yourself if you are about to get angry.

To End with

I m pretty much sure now that you have a clear picture of the ways to become a better person. Do remember that no one in this world can become a better human being overnight so continue to follow the path till the time you make it to your destination. 

Which of these tips did you like the most? Do comment your views about it.


10 Ways to manage your mental health

 10 Ways to manage your mental health

Do you feel as if nobody truly understands you? Do you feel empty, hopeless, and all worthless? Does your anxiety stop you from doing things you want to do in your life? Are you depressed and don't know who to turn to for help or guidance? Are you currently struggling with your mental health? 

You never have to feel alone again. We understand your situation and feel exactly like you do. Share your story, connect with like-minded people, learn more about mental illnesses, and how you can improve your mental health together.

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health is. Just like we train our physical health in the gym, we can also train our mental health too. 

Here are 10 ways that will assist you to improve your mental health: 

1. Schedule some me-time 

Every single day, set aside 20 to 30 minutes of your time. Turn off all of your electronic devices such as your phone, computer, and television. Dedicate this time for you without any distractions at all. 

During this time you could go for a nice gentle walk, write in your diary, or sit on your sofa without doing anything at all. It does not matter you do, all that matters is this time is for you and this time is "you time" to deal with your problems in a structured way.

2. Managing stress

Whenever you encounter a problem, instead of letting it stress you out take over your life and affect you, write the problem down on a piece of paper and break the problem you have down into smaller steps for example If your rent is due, write down how much your rent is and how much you owe on the piece of paper and what date you have to pay it by? 

Next, write down how much money you currently have in your bank account. This will help you see how much money you have left, how much money you can spend, and what money you can't spend for the rest of the month until your rent is due.

If you don't have enough money to pay your rent, write down ways you can earn some extra money.

3. Challenge your bad thoughts 

Whenever a negative thought pops into your mind such as nobody likes me, stop for a minute and question your negative thought. Think to yourself "Is this actually true or is it just my mental illness"? 

Questioning your negative thoughts can help you with your mental health and help you understand the difference between your own thoughts and the thoughts your mental illness is putting inside your mind

4. Practice and learn relaxation techniques 

There are many different relaxation techniques out there such as yoga, meditating, and, mindfulness activities. Practicing relaxation techniques can help you in times when you're extremely stressed or anxious and bring you back to the present.

5. Reach out for support 

It's okay not to be okay. Everybody at some point during their lives needs help. There is no shame at all in seeking help. You can reach out for support by talking to your family or friends. If you don't feel comfortable talking to them face-to-face. You can call them, text them, email them, or even write them a letter. 

You can look for online Communities where you can speak to like-minded people going through something similar to yourself. You can also seek professional help by talking to a mental health therapist or counselor. 

6. Removing negative people from your life 

It may be difficult for you to remove certain negative people from your life, especially if those negative people are your family members? However, you could set boundaries with your family members. If they are negative people, you can do this by limiting time with them or not telling them certain things, you know, they will be negative about or criticize you for.

 Removing negative people from your life can seriously help and improve your mental health.

7. Be nice to yourself 

You are Amazing and you matter. Instead of being critical of yourself or saying something negative about yourself, say something positive. It may take you a while to do this but please do not be discouraged or upset with yourself as this does.

Start by writing one thing a day you like about yourself. That is a very good start on being nice to yourself.

8. Watch your caffeine intake 

It's okay to have some coffee during the day but drinking too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations which could cause you to have a panic or an anxiety attack. Know your caffeine limits and do not drink caffeine after 6:00 p.m. 

9. Get enough sleep 

Each night get yourself into a daily and nightly routine where you go to bed and you wake up at exactly the same time each day and adults need between seven and nine hours worth of sleep in order to function properly.

Sleeping too much or too little can negatively affect your mental health

10. Exercise regularly 

Experts recommend exercising at least three times a week. Exercising regularly has been shown and proven to improve your mental health. Three times a week simply going for a walk can improve your mental health 


Those are 10 very easy and simple ways you can improve your mental health and you can do those 10 things immediately and you can implement them into your life straight away. I now want to hear from you guys and girls at home that are you going to try any of these 10 things? Or do you already do any of the 10 things? Let me and others know in the comment section down below if you've found it useful and helpful. Take care guys and girls and I'll see you all again with another write-up. 

How to be successful in life

How to be successful in life? What are some of the ways that you can help you to succeed in life? Who doesn't want to experience how it feels to be one of the successful people. But who is ready to follow the path that will guide them to be successful in life? 

Being successful in life has different meanings for different people. For some, it's about accumulating enough wealth by starting their own enterprise, for some it's about maintaining a work-life balance and I am sure that you might also have a goal that you want to accomplish in your life.

Successful life quotes

That's really great that you have a defined goal in your life but most people struggle to follow the path that will lead them to be successful in life.

Not to worry about folks, I am here to share some of the best tips with you that will definitely assist you to become successful in life.

1. Find your motivation

If I ask you "what are some of those tasks that really encourage you to stay focused? Well, staying focused while performing any task is a step forward towards your desired goal. If you are passionate and highly motivated to work, then definitely the results are gonna come your way.

If you are struggling to find your motivation, then think about those tasks that you love doing. Once you have your motivation to work then you will no longer be asking whats the purpose of doing a certain task.

2. Exploring more

The second tip is to explore more about anything that you may like. The more knowledge you possess, the more are the chances for you to succeed further. 

Set a goal every day and start with a topic that you want to know in-depth like Information Technology, Literature, Sports activities, and much more. There are so many topics for you to choose from that will help you to become more knowledgable.

3. Staying Positive

You might also have experienced that when you put in a great deal of effort still no results turned up in your favor? How does it feel that you return with empty hands? Yeah, I know it feels like why even I tried doing that? 

But If I say you that you have not returned empty hands. You gained some experience from the mistakes you committed. Now, you will be trying to do the same task again without repeating those mistakes, isn't it?

The point here is that we should never lose our hope too early even if we fail to perform our best on the very first go. One should stay positive and patient as it takes some time for good things to happen.

4. Connecting with optimistic people

In this world, where negativity has the power to spread rapidly, try to stay away from there thoughts. These thoughts will do no good to you and your mind. One way to stay away from negativity is to try connecting with optimistic people who will be encouraging you towards your path to be successful in life.

Optimistic people are very good while dealing with negativity. They don't give much weightage to such thoughts and are always ready to challenge themselves even if the situation is not in their favor. You will be learning a great deal from these people once you start interacting with them.

5. Learn daily

We all know that life throws a new challenge every day but how can one overcome such challenges? The answer to this question is that one should never stop or restrict themselves to learn from any situation in life.

Life is about learning and you learn more while you commit a mistake or doing a task for the very first time. Learning is that one thing that never stops in your life. 

6. Managing your time efficiently

One of the most top-rated traits of many of the successful people today is that they are very good when it comes to managing their time efficiently. 

Prepare yourself a routine and allot the suitable timings for each of your day to day tasks. This will also be helping you to complete the first task in the set time frame and you will be ready to perform the next task without any sort of delay. 

If a person can manage his or her time manage well, then no one can stop him or her to be successful in life.

7. Managing your funds

The most important tip here from my side is that you should know how to manage your funds. You must have heard the famous quote from Warren Buffet "If you buy things that you do not need, soon you will have to sell things yous need"

Set a budget for a week or a month, whichever is suitable for you, and track your expenses and income either writing them down on a dairy or you can also use a smartphone to help you keep the record of your expenses and income.


Now you are very much familiar with all those tips that I have shared in this article that are going to make you follow the path towards your success. Just remember one thing, that once you start following these tips, eventually with time you will become habitual to follow them daily and you will emerge as victorious.

So which of the above tips you liked the most? 


How to Increase Productivity in the work place

How to Increase Productivity in the work place

How to increase productivity when you are working? many of us want to achieve high standards of productivity while we are working outside or be it at home but how does one make sure if they are actually on the right track of increasing productivity?

To get deeper insights on how to increase productivity when you are performing a particular task, I have some tips and tricks listed down below that are going to assist you in finding the best source for yourself to increase productivity.

So recently I made some simple changes to my daily routine which allowed me to get significantly more productive as before. I was able to do this by implementing five simple proven tricks for getting more productive.

First Trick

Our first trick is all about finding an exclusive location for your work. The thing is when you're in a location where you've done so many other things your brain will associate this location with all those things. 

It will have unconsciously built several habits tied to this place so whenever you're there you're going to be constantly reminded to start those habits most of which are things that are much more enjoyable and pleasurable than your work. 

Because of this, it becomes extremely easy to get distracted as your brain is constantly telling you hey let's do this fun thing instead which is why it's extremely powerful have a completely new location exclusive to your work and ideally, you want to select a location where you haven't made any other pre-existing connections.  it's also very important to note that you want to select a location that's easy to get to so that you will have fewer excuses

Second Trick

The second trick I used to increase productivity which is don't give yourself time to think. I would often have thoughts like this when I woke up oh wow I need to start working on those two new scripts today and I need to revise and finalize that other one. I need to send out those emails and I got three coaching calls as well. Oh my god, that's so much work. 

I think I'll just watch some youtube first and whenever this happens I would end up playing around on my phone for hours before finally getting out of bed and overall I would get very little time to get my things done for the day and you can prevent this from happening by giving yourself less time to think. 

Nowadays the only thing that's on my mind when I wake up is okay! its time to get dressed and get started with my work for today and the reason I do this is that procrastination is an emotional problem and negative emotions occur when we think right. 

The more you think about how much you have to do, the worse you start to feel which means that you're less likely to actually go and do it. Because when you think, you let your anxiety build up. 

You think to yourself oh my god what am I going to do if I would not able to able to complete my tasks for today, all of these hypothetical scenarios run in your head and cause you to feel as if you have failed even though you haven't even started.

That's why we procrastinate and you can prevent this from happening by taking quick action like I mentioned before. 

All I think about when I wake up is okay I need to get dressed and get going that's it and by doing this I can trick myself to take quick action so that I'll go to my exclusive location so that my habit of working there can kick in

Third Trick

The third tip is to remove distractions before they can come up. When I decided to go to my workplace, the first time I chose not to get the wi-fi password. My phone still has no internet access. Here I literally can't do anything on my phone. 

The thing is even if you use my advice from trick number one and you go to a new location there are still things that you might bring with you that are associated with past distractions and personally for me, it's when I have my computer and when I have wi-fi because this setup is what I usually use to play video games and to browse the internet

When I remove the wi-fi, the urge to mess around online disappears as one of the requirements to stay focused. Which is why whenever I am about to start with my work, I only bring four things, I bring my keys so I can go home, I bring my journal which serves as a reminder for all the things I need to get done, I bring my laptop for the work itself and I bring my phone for calls. 

Now you might be thinking wait wait wait you just said you turn off the wi-fi so you don't get distracted then doesn't bring in your phone to defeat that purpose hang tight I'll get into why I do this in a second. 

Fourth Trick

Fourth trick is to allow yourself to win easily. See often times when we tell ourselves that we need to get a lot done. We will set this bar way too high. You need to lower your standards for your definition of success for the day. For example, I never tell myself okay I need to draft and finalize an article on the same day. 

In fact, as I'm writing this article right now, I'm just quickly letting all of my ideas out. I'm not double checking my grammar, I'm not worrying about spelling errors and I'm not even checking to see if everything makes sense, all I do is to get all of my ideas on paper that's my only requirement today that's all I have to do.

See the thing you have to understand about productivity is that it's mostly a mental battle. If you believe something is too hard, if you believe that you're not mentally strong enough to easily complete a task then you will naturally come up with excuses to avoid even trying which is why you got to allow yourself to win easier.

Lower your bar for success because then you can hit it more often which will make you believe that you are someone who can successfully get things done and because of this it will make the entire process more enjoyable.

Fifth Trick

My final trick for increasing productivity is to reward yourself. Often one of the most important things that you have to understand is that every good behavior that you want to reinforce needs to be reinforced with some type of reward. It's like when you train a dog you got to give him a treat after he does a trick. 

If you do not reward yourself your brain will have no incentive to remember this behavior and it will never become a habit. 

Now it's best to reward yourself with things that you naturally like but you should also make sure that there are things that you aren't addicted to for example every time I complete a major task, I'll open up my phone and play a mobile game for like five to ten minutes or sometimes I'll use social media 

I might respond to some messages, look at some memes on Instagram, etc. This is why I bring my phone with me to my workplace. When I work yes it's important to try and remove as many distractions as possible. 

But I still need some way to reward myself. Turning the wi-fi on for my computer is too distracting as I'm constantly using it while I type but I can simply turn off my phone or hide it under my journal while I work which puts it out of my site and when it's time for me to reward myself I'll turn it back on.

Now you want to make sure that your rewards are short and sweet so that it's enjoyable but don't take up too much of your time. That way you can go back to work and complete your next task. 

By doing this you will actually find yourself looking forward to going to work because there are little bits of pleasure and joy sprinkled throughout the process.  


Being able to increase productivity in your workplace or even while working at home can be very beneficial for you in the long run. You would no longer have to be dependent on someone to get your work done, thus also helping you to save time as well. 

These are the five simple tricks that I use to increase my productivity. Try them out and let me know if they work. 

Challenging Yourself

 Are you challenging yourself on a daily basis? When was the last time you got on top of a challenging situation? Or when did you act in accordance to achieve something big? If you probably did, then that are great signs that you are not afraid to test your limits but if you didn’t then not to stress out because today we will be getting more insights about how you can challenge yourself.

You probably don't have a problem playing video games or browsing social media on your phone. In fact, I have no doubt you could sit in front of a screen and do both of those activities for 2 hours, or even longer without breaking your concentration. But what about half an hour of studying? That might be too hard.

How about working on your side business for another hour? Hmm. Doesn't sound too appealing. Even though you logically know that studying, exercising, building a business or something equally productive, will bring you more benefits in the long run, you still prefer watching TV, playing video games and scrolling through social media.

One might argue that it's obvious why. One activity is easy and doesn't require much effort, while the other activity is difficult and it requires you to keep moving and challenging yourself. Which begs the question: Why are some people more motivated to tackle difficult things? And is there a way to make doing difficult things, easy?

Well, to answer this question, yes there is a way that can help you to make a major and difficult task very simple and much easier. For that, what you have to do is to stop listening to your mind that says I would not able to make it to the finish line; I would get stuck In between the task etc.

Just take a minute out of it and think, are you not that capable to complete a particular task? Do you doubt your capabilities before even going in for the task? Or are you just that lazy that you don’t bother to complete the task? Or are you afraid to challenge yourself?

Whatever your answer maybe, but one thing is for sure, this is not going to work in the long run. We all are very familiar with these lines that “Life is itself a very big challenge” then why are we even living if we are not able to make efforts to challenge ourselves.

Performing some major and complex tasks like setting up your own business, required persistent efforts and you must keep challenging yourself. Only those individuals are able to survive and become successful those are not afraid to strive even if the situation is against them. They continue to follow their self-made path of success and eventually, they emerge as winners.

If we ask those individuals, who today are very much successful, that what was their mindset when confronted with such backbreaking situations, they would be saying is to stop limiting yourself and take bold steps further in order to make your future bright.

Not to forget, they would also have made something in there life as their inspiration. They got inspired and then they didn’t bother to look back until they have made it to their goal? So what is stopping you to get some inspiration and to keep challenging yourself?

99% of individuals don't seem to be willing to try to do what it takes to make their dreams come true. The middle of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline. You know something as simple as food and eating it isn't about your body the maximum amount because it is about your mind. It's getting instructions of your brain to be able to choose actions that are in your own best interest. And that I think the word discipline has reasonably gotten a nasty name we predict about it in terms of punishment.

 I'm not talking about discipline in that way, I'm talking about discipline within the sense that you just, and you forego immediate pleasure for the exchange of long term self-respect. You cannot win the war against the globe if you cannot win the war against your own mind. Because motive matters, right?

If you can very well manage your thoughts in our mind, then definitely yes, you can overcome your challenges by standing determined to face such situations whenever they may happen. Challenging yourself enough that one day you would be proudly saying that I am no more afraid to task a risk.

Practicing self-discipline is one way to keep yourself motivated and also to ensure that yes you are mentally strong to get in the face to face situations with your challenges. The only way to emerge as victorious to overcome small challenges daily that you may feel are restraining your path towards your goals.


Challenges may appear hard and complex when looked for the very first time but if we train our mind that yes you are going to challenge yourself to become an improved version of yourself and for a bright future, then no challenge will last long if you are determined to fight against all the odds and  would continue challenging yourself.

So what can make you continue challenging yourself?

Do check out the Top 40 Motivational Blogs on the internet that will surely be inspiring and motivating you more and helping you to enlighten the path towards your desired goals.






How to find your motivation in life

How to find your motivation in life? Yeah, same as me, you must have come across this thought that how can you find your motivation in life? Then you are at the perfect place where you will get all your answers to this question that how to find your motivation in life.

Well as we all are aware that there is not an elevator to success; you got to take the steps and strive to find your motivation in life. If you discover meaning in quotes that you come across, put them right up where you may see them daily.

Here are some tips and tricks that will surely be of great help to all of you to find your motivation in life:

1.         Ask Why? 

If we do not know why we are doing a certain task, then we surely are aiming in the dark. Whether we would like to create a career, change the planet, or prove some idiots wrong, these are all great reasons to induce going. First, ask WHY? Then HOW? And WHAT?

 If you do not have a purpose, acquire a skill that will prove to be beneficial for you in your future like, reading fast, learning a new way to learn or to speak, enhancing your computer skills, attending online classes, indulging in some of your favorite sports activities and much more.

 A recent study describes that several people are too confident after we learn something new. Once we actually start learning, we realize how difficult it is and how incompetent we are.

As a result, our motivation drops, and plenty of people quit, and that what puts a big full stop on your path to find your motivation in life. The trick to success is to stay going anyways. Once we master a new skill, our confidence returns.


2.         Hunt for Feedback

Marathon runners know how encouraging spectators can make a large difference in the last meters. Feedback may be an interaction, so deliberately seek it.

 Most of the people love giving it, it makes them feel smart. Entrepreneurs who rummage around for investors say “Ask for money, you will get advice." "Ask for advice, you will get money.”

3.         Articulate Your Values

In one experiment, at the start of the New Year, 7th graders had to choose a particular value, like being good in class, making friends, or music. Then they spent a quarter-hour writing down why this matters to them. 

To remind them, the method was repeated every 2-4 months. Within two years, most weak students saw the tenth increase in all told grades. A year later, the experiment was repeated.

This time, the worth “being good at school” wasn't even available. The surprising truth. Again, all grades got better. Keep on reminding yourself that you actually care about finding your motivation in life.


4.         Get A Mentor

Search for charismatic people that will advise you pretty well to find your motivation in life. By following a mentor, we are able to find inspiration, get new ideas, and maybe even find purpose.


5.         Don’t make excuses

How many times have you procrastinated a certain task to tomorrow or the day after it? Well, to be honest, this procrastination on a daily basis can be a major setback and can derail your train from its intended track of finding your motivation in life.

Remind yourself, come ‘on, you can’t be that lazy to work out things today rather than doing it some other day. Set yourself small goals initially so that you can accomplish them daily and get to your next goal.


6.         Challenge yourself 

Make your life a game and take challenges. These challenges are going to make you reflect as a confident individual only if you accomplish a challenge. Adding to it, you will be seeing yourself with a different perspective, full of self-esteem and this way you are going to love yourself more.


7.         Track Your Record! Records show us where we were coming from. They indicate progress. Good music teachers record the student's first lesson. One year later they show their students what they recorded. Most are amazed at what proportion they progressed.


8.         Start Small 

After you put effort into something and then you succeed, you are motivated to continue. It is a self-reinforcing circle. If you aim too high right at the start, it’s likely that you will fail. This will cause frustration and that might stop you to follow the path to find your motivation in life.

In the beginning, go for the small objectives and then follow the next one. If you will continue to follow like this, definitely you are going to look back and say, a major task broken into smaller pieces and today I have accomplished it completely.


9.         Surround Yourself with Positive People 

We all are very familiar with these famous lines that “A man is known by the company he keeps”. To find motivation, spend time with positive people who have a growth mindset. They are the ones who are always going to move further and will assist others the same as well.

Negative people often have controversy for each solution. Not only they are going to lower your motivation level, but they will also put you further down, and hence it will result in more obstacles towards your path to find your motivation in life.


10.      Help Others 

Helping out your peers is also one of the ways that can make you feel motivated. The best way to help others is to encourage them to keep putting on their efforts until the time they achieve their goal. If they succeed, you will get positive energy in return.

One trick to motivate others is to use purpose. Explain why things matter. Paint an image of their possible future. Then engage them to require responsibility. Last, give them the correct tools and feedback, to assist them to succeed...

11.      Establish Discipline. 

We might have thought how motivated were those people who are currently super successful in their life? The major factor towards their motivation was their strong and powerful discipline. 

As motivation can come and go, discipline will stay that will keep you bound to find your motivation in life. A way to urge disciplined is to line a hard and fast time to try to do something so ensure you usually do it irrespective of what may happen.

For example: Try to do some exercise in the morning for 20 minutes right before breakfast. Over time it'll become a habit and you do not even need motivation now.



Staying motivated can be hard sometimes but if we are well aware of the right tips and tricks, then surely we can have an everlasting motivation to work better and better.

We have made it to the end of this write up and I am pretty much sure that you all are very much aware about the path that you have to adhere to. in order to find your motivation in life.